Twilight Saints – Diary of the Raid to Pretoria


Day 1
Friday 03 April

Got up 04h30 hell its still dark at that time of the morning, pack the last of the things in the trailer and head for Flame Lilly park to meet the other Raiders. The suns up by now so we take a group photo and off we go, First stop Escort Ultra City for a comfort break and some Breakfast and coffee while the Cars are not moving after about 20 min break of we go headed for Harrismith and Plattberg Shellhole we arrive about 45 min ahead of schedule at 10h15 in stead of 11h00 but the Plattberg moths were all ready there making snacks for us. The snacks were washed down with a few frosties ( the drivers stuck with coke) and all enjoyed the comradery and feasted their eyes on the regalia and absorbed the ambience of the Shellhole and listened to the history that goes with it the time went by too fast and we had to get back on the road as it was 12h00. So back in the cars and headed for Villiers for another bladder break and a leg stretch after 15 min back on the road heading for Evendon House centurion arrive at 15h00 meet up with our advanced party and an old friend Moth John Quinn and his wife Elsa Who greeted us with open arms. Then we started to put our stretchers together and blew up our mattress and found out what you left behind in Durban Once everyone got settled and organized, it was off to the pub to have a few with John and Elsa soon Moths started to appear for the braai. Members of Nation Exct, Provencal Old Bill, District Old Bill with their wives and many other Moths there was lots of reminiscing Moth John Quinn met up with one of his troops that he trained many many years back and after making new friends, we Braaied and socialized then hit the sack.

Day 2
Saturday 04 April

Sgt Major got everyone up and in to the ablutions, then after, coffee, some breakfast and packing up the bedding we set sail for Dickie Fritz Shell hole once again we arrived 45 min early and once again the Moths of Dickie Fritz were there to meet us.Went on a tour of the grounds and the Cut Line as well as the Ridge Back pub the Old Bill Leon opened up the Sanctuary and all the Raiders we most impressed and walked around and round just amazed with all the regailer and the way it was displayed . Pendants were exchanged and the Exec . were inducted in to the ranks of the ‘R’ Soles and given Saints and the Ladies were presented with Miniature flowers ( desert Lillie’s) The Old Bill was also presented with a bottle and was asked to read a framed certificate of the Tree of Monkeys and all to soon once again we have to move on as it was 13h30 and we had to go to Secunda still and we wanted to try and catch the last half of the Sharks game(don’t know why ? glad we missed the whole game)so off we went to the big metropolis of Secunda and then got lost and lost again eventually Brian Wickens and the Old Bill came to the rescue and took us to Mukumbura Shellhole where once again the comradery flowed and gifts were exchanged after having a good few frosties we took some rations with us and departed to Sharen Whickens B&B where we spent the night after havening a most welcome plate of Currie and Rice the Ladies had moved on earlier and had some tea and cake so we all sat under the boma and talked till our batteries started to go flat the one by one we slipped away and went to bed.

Day 3
Sun 5 April

After a good nights sleep and a hearty breakfast of Savory mince, toast and scrambled egg, thanks Sharen we said our farewell’s to the Wickens and were escorted out of Seconda by Brian (so that we didn’t get lost again) by this time it was 08h50 and we had to go all the way to Vacant Chair shell hole where we arrived at 10h50 just in time for their meeting. So we joined them for the meeting where Our Moth Shattock (the war correspondent ) was awarded the toilet seat trophy ( I wonder why ) and believe it or not the Easter Bunny made an appearance and handed everyone an Easter egg once again we broke into harmony and the Exec were honored by being inducted in to the Ranks of the ‘R’ Soles and the Ladies were given Desert Lilly’s and Pendants were exchanged and the Old bill was given a bottle of Hakkies Draaid and a framed certificate of the tree of Monkeys and the Raiders were treated to a delicious Lunch. The whole trip we had being selling raffle tickets for a Miniature MAG and a Miniature Bren and they we won by Michael Heyns of Plattberg Shellhole, and the Old Bill of Vacant Chair Andy May. Thanks to all who took tickets and better luck next time . Then the rain came but this didn’t dampen the sprit we just went inside till it stopped but soon the sun started to set and once again we said our good byes and headed for Evendon House after a few hot dogs for supper ( most of us were still full from lunch) then we sat and socialized for a while and decided that while we were in Pretoria we should visit the Voortrekker Monument the next day. It was about then that the Milk tart and Jägermeister came out and then the wheels started to come loose and then of to bed

Day 4
Mon 6 April

Up at 06h30 Packing up the trailer everything fitted when we came but there seemed to be more stuff to take home but with a bit of force we got it all in and after a quick Breakfast it was off to the Monument some took on the stairs while others opted to stay on the level ground and look at the walls of remembrance and the Africana museum then at 10h30 we said good bye to our Chairman Thys and his wife who were staying on for another day or two, all so farewell to Clever Trevor from the MMA who was our guide and our motor cycle escort and then it was of back to Surf city after a few for petrol we arrived back in Pinetown at about 18h00 the pain in the butt will be gone tomorrow but the memories will last forever

Thanks to all who made this Raid a most memorable one.