PVO award trophy to the MOTH

Moth Andy Boden, member of the MOTH National Executive, was invited by the Paratrooper Veteran Organisation (PVO) to attend their November Pretoria Canopy meeting at Evenden House.   The PVO has a floating trophy that was donated by G Company, 1 Para Bn 81/82, as trophy to be awarded annually by the PVO National Council, to a Canopy or Group that has made a notable contributions to the Parabat Veterans Organisation . This trophy was first awarded in February 2019. Canopies that have received the award are Bay Canopy, Nomad Canopy and Pretoria Canopy. This year the MOTH have been awarded the trophy in recognition of the fact that most of the PVO Canopies actually meet at MOTH Premises. Pretoria Canopy meet at Evenden house, Westrand Canopy meets at Warrior Shellhole, KZN Canopy meet at Highway Shellhole in Hillcrest, Bay Canopy meet at Outspan Shellhole Port Elizabeth and Maluti Canopy meet at Springbok Redoubt Shellhole in Bethlehem. This is an example of how veterans organisations can and should be working together.



Moth Andy Boden (Nomad Canopy member) receives the trophy on behalf of the MOTH from National President Willougby Brits.


PVO Floating Trophy donated by G Company 81-82 hanging on the wall in the MOTH hall, Eveden House.