Old Bill of the Order for 2024 – 2025

Moth General Head Quarters Congratulates
on his appointment as
Old Bill of the Order for 2024- 2025

Spencer Beckley Old Bill of the Order 2024-2025

Spencer Ingram Beckley was born on the 26th of December 1956 in Port Elizabeth. During the early 1960s, the Beckley family resettled in Rhodesia where Spencer received his education.

Spencer was drafted into the Rhodesia Regiment in 1973 and, after completing a junior leader’s course, he served as a Corporal with the Regiment.

In June 1979 he married his better half Denise (Hair) and, the couple decided to settle in Port Elizabeth. As a qualified Telecommunications Technician he worked in this field for the first decade in PE before starting his own successful business, Universal Communications, in 1990. The business is still going strong and provides services to a large clientele.

In September 2002, Spencer joined the Order as a member of Outspan Shellhole, a Shellhole where his father was an active founding member. Like-father-like-son, Moth Beckley quickly became involved in Shellhole affairs and by 2004 he was elected as Old Bill. Under his guidance the Shellhole entered a growth phase with the launch of many projects and a steady growth in membership.

Outside of his Shellhole Moth Beckley was appointed as Chairman of the MOTH Memorial Centre in King Edward Street and, oversaw the conversion of this residential property to a fully functioning, self-sustaining MOTH Centre. During this period, he also served as Old Bill of the Settlers District.

From 2010 until 2013, Moth Beckley served as Provincial Old Bill of the Eastern Cape Provincial Dugout and, after standing down, he became Chairman of the Winston Churchill MESCA Management Committee. He still holds the latter Office and was re-elected as Provincial Old in 2020.

Known for his hands-on approach, Spencer has played a leading role in Raids, in coordinating the social calendars of local Shellholes and, in promoting the Order to the general public at large. The supreme example of the latter being the MOTH involvement with the annual Kirkwood “Wildsfees”, a deal he negotiated back in 2005.

For his services to the MOTH, Spencer has been awarded the Certificate of Comradeship (2004), the Certificate for Excellent Service (2007) and the Certificate of Merit (2017).  Mention of Moth Beckley’s service to the Order will however not be complete, without recognizing the unwavering support that he has received throughout his MOTH career from his wife Denise; a fine example for many to follow!

It gives the members of MOTH General Headquarters great pleasure, to appoint Moth Spencer Ingram Beckley, Old Bill of the Order for 2024/25 MOTH year.