End of the Year Message from the MOTH National Chairman

Fellow Moths,

The year 2022, our 95th year of MOTHing, is fast coming to an end.  I would like to congratulate all who were involved in the many parades and events to celebrate 95 years of MOTHdom.  A special thanks is extended to Cape Western Provincial Dugout who hosted the National Event in Cape Town.  Thanks to you all.  You certainly displayed to us the Cape Town Hospitality and friendship. Remember: You should have already started preparing for the 100th.  It is sooner than you might think.

During 2022, the MOTH has again shown its’ resilience.  Pandemics such as Covid-19 have taught us to be more resourceful.  Although financially impacted, especially our cottage schemes and property-owning Shellholes, we have survived. We have learnt that we can run the Order using electronic media such as Zoom, a tool that has become part of our way of life, allowing meetings to take place at short notice and without the huge travel costs.  The MOTH is a very social environment.  Although we prefer to have face-to-face meetings and gatherings, we have seen that we can use electronic media as a substitute.  Going forward, we can invite members to our face-to-face meetings who are not physically able to attend due to health, travel restrictions and/or other reasons. We have noted that, amongst others, Cyber and R1 Shellholes are using Zoom very successfully in regard to interaction with its’ members.  This year, the MOTH AGM saw members of R1 Shelhole in Ireland join the AGM for the first time.   Let’s hope next year we can get all the GHQ Outposts and the Command structures to all join in.

Two important changes come to mind during 2022:-

1.    The first was implemented in November 2021.  The National Chairman is not required to be based in KZN.  In November 2022 our National Chairman was again elected and who is based in Gauteng.  I am proud to have been given this chance to prove that our National Chairman can come from anywhere with minimal issues.  Our National Executive comes from all over South Africa and we are able to meet a lot more often than in the past, at less costs.

2.    On the 7th of May 2022 we formalised the “Shellhole Supporter” at the GHQ meeting hosted in Cape Town.  The Shellhole Supporter was in the past known as “Friend of the MOTH” or “Associated Member of the MOTH” (AMMO), and a few other references.  Today, we have over 80 initiated Shellhole Supporters who all operate under the same rules and guidelines as the MOTH and they are growing fast.  They have national membership card, identification badges and very smart dress code.  This change, together with the simplified membership criteria to allow access to join the MOTH, has assisted us with recruitment.  We cannot stop this change process if we want to MOTH to continue.  The National Executive “Moth Going Forward” team will continue to challenge the current Constitution and Standing Orders to ensure that we keep up with the times and allow our Order to continue for years to come.

Shellhole Supporters, MOTHWA, fellow Veteran Organisations and their families all the best for the Festive Season.  I wish you all health and happiness for 202

In 2023, let’s work smarter, so that we can effectively manage our assets and the people we look after.  Let’s make 2023 a year that all Moths live and practice our 3 ideals, being True Comradeship, Mutual Help and Sound Memory.  Practise these ideals in our everyday life as well as our Mothing activities.  This can only make a better world for us all.

Yours Under the Tin Hat

National Chairman