Weeks of planning and organising, hard work and dedication by the organising team resulted in magic as from the arrival of the first delegates and wives on Saturday morning, through the AGM, the sunset parade, the evening dinner and dance, with a sixties theme and the Sunday breakfast, more meetings and the final departure of the delegates, promising to repeat this again next year.
Outgoing Coalfields Old Bill accepting the Doug Burman award from the Old Bill of the Order Moth Norman Edwards
Some of the highlights of the A.G.M. can be summarised as: The presence of the Old Bill of the Order Moth Norman Edwards as a special guest who installed the incoming Platinum Executive namely Moths Stuart Howie (Old Bill) Dave Berry (Deputy Old Bill), Adrian Eagar (Adjutant) and Greame Thorold (Pay Bill); The acceptance of the coveted Doug Burman Trophy for the most efficient District by the Coalfields District Old Bill, Moth Len Bowker and the appointment of the many committee members so needed to run this huge MOTH Province with no less than 48 Shellholes.
Whist the delegates were busy with official MOTH business, Me. Ann Lynn entertained the ladies with a number of games of Bingo which was later reported as great fun.
The Annual General Meeting was followed by a Sunset Parade in the tranquil surroundings of the Lodge where the sounding of the Last Post and the lowering of the National and MOTH flags brought a tear to many a veteran’s eye.
The swinging sixties Chris Sonnekus, Karin Bowker, Leon Apicella and Len Bowker
With the official MOTH business for the day concluded, District delegates changed their MOTH uniforms for colourful evening wear which represented the “Swinging Sixties” The delicious three course dinner was served in a setting transformed into a “Hippy and Beatle world” by the decorations prepared by Me Karin Bowker.
The welcome Sunday morning breakfast was complemented by all. The AGM of the MOTH Sound Memory Cottages was followed the first Platinum Provincial Meeting for the new financial year. During this meeting District Executives were installed which included the incoming Executive for Coalfields District namely Moths Chris Sonnekus (Old Bill) Len Bowker (DOB) and Dirk Volschenk (Adjutant) When the guests left with words of praise to Coalfields District representatives, a very proud organising committee consisting of Len and Karin Bowker, Neville and Ann Lynn, Pieter Human and Chris Sonnekus shook hands on a job well done. Moths Neville Lynn and Len Bowker noted that the open hearts of the following sponsors made this excellent weekend possible; Crater- Gondar- and Ratel Shellholes, Richie Crane Hire, Minolta Business Machines and Wilma from the “R5 shop”