As the year 2024 comes to an end and most people go on holiday, I would like to wish all Moths, Shellhole Supporters, their families and loved ones, a very Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. To those not of the Christian faith, enjoy the festive season, and may 2025 be a great year for you all.
I would like to thank all that have gone out of their way to ensure that this beautiful Order, the Memorable Order of Tin Hats, has once again had a successful year. The support we give those less fortunate than ourselves, shows that we still practise our 3 ideals, TC, MH and SM. The many parades around the country that are held to remember those who gave their lives in war, so we could have a better today, show that remembrance is very important to us, and those who died did not die in vain.
I would like to thank all the committees in the Order, from the various committees at Shellhole level, the Executives at Shellhole, District, Province, Cottages, Moth GHQ, the National Executive and the Moth Office Staff. Thank you for doing your best to ensure that the Order continues. Some of us have made mistakes but let’s learn from them and put them behind us. Thank you for making my job easier.
As we wind down for the festive season, please look after yourselves. We need you all back in the new year refreshed and ready to make more major changes to our Order. I challenge all units of the Order, that we each make one positive change to our Order in 2025, as well as put all negativity behind us.
Yours Under The Tin Hat
Anders Boden (Andy)
Moth National Chairman.
29 November 2024