Platinum Provincial Dugout

District Dugouts:
- Outposts of Platinum Provincial Dugout
- Coalfields District Dugout
- East Rand District Dugout
- Lowveld District Dugout
- Pretoria District Dugout
- South Eastern Transvaal District Dugout
- West Rand District Dugout
Platinum Executive 2024-2025

Platinum Events Calendar
23rd November 2024
At Platinum Provincial Dugouts last meeting for the year, traditionally a braai, National Chairman Andy Boden presented Richard Wilson, Past Old Bill of the Order for 2023 – 2024, a plaque in recognition for his year of service as Old Bill of the Order. Thank you for the positive messages you delivered at all your outings throughout the year.
On Saturday 25th March 2023, Moth Denis Crook was awarded the Certificate of Excellence by Platinum Province at their monthly meeting held at de Voetpadkloof outside Middleburg. Moth Denis is the Adj of West Rand District and a member of Tripoli Shellhole.
Platinum 2022 AGM Hosted by Minefield.
The Provincial Old Bill announced the recipients of the various awards which were present by the National Chairman Andy Boden.
Dave Reeves Trophy – Moth Thinus Prinsloo
For outstanding work within his District / Unit (Outpost) for the manner in which he overcame problems beyond his normal course of duties.
Doug Burman Trophy – Pretoria District
The Sergeant Major’s baton is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who was the most efficient District for the year in terms of reports, attendance at Province meetings and participation in discussions.
Mike Mortlock PRO Trophy – Coalfields District
The Gold Miner is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who has done the most for the Order in terms of Public Relations work for the past year.
Pay Bills Trophy – Coalfields District
To a District / Unit (Outpost) for outstanding work in the field of financial reporting and financial controls.
John Jenkins Recruitment Trophy – Botha Shellhole
Presented to the District Unit (Outpost) which shows the greatest percentage increase of new recruits per head for the year.
The Stuart Howie Trophy (Best Unit) – Casa Mia
For a unit recognised by the Provincial Executive as being the best in the Platinum Province.
The Wickens / Olivier Recruitment Trophy – West Rand
Presented by the Province to a Shellhole as recognition to that Shellhole for recruiting the most members during the year
Shrapnel Trophy –East Rand
A light hearted attempt to motivate a District to improve their performance and be recognised as one of the better Districts in the Platinum Province. In other words, if you sit on the shrapnel you may be coaxed to get off your rear end and do something.
Bull Shit Tie – Dirk Volschenk
The tie is presented by the current holder to a Moth who regularly attends Provincial meetings and through his wit and or tall stories, (Bull Shit) keeps the meeting alive and vibrant.
The Certificate of Excellent Service was awarded to Moth Dirk Volschenk of Coalfields District Dugout
Parade on the River
The Saturday Evening Dinner
27 November 2021 : Certificate of Merit awarded to Brian Wickens of MUKUMBURA Shellhole
Platinum AGM July 2021
Due to Covid restrictions being lifted at the last minute, we were able to have an AGM as a face to face meeting. Despite being face to face, Zoom was still available for those who were were nervous about face to face, and for those in the outlying areas. Our Quest for this year was Old Bill of the Order 2020-2021, Andre Coetsee, from Barrage Shellhole in the Free State, and a member of the National Executive.
The awards for 2021 were as follows:
Due to the fact that we the majority of the meetings for the past year have been predominantly held via zoom, trophies were awarded but not handed out. There are being engraved and will be handed out during there year.
1. Dave Reeves Trophy – Moth John Anderton
For outstanding work within his District / Unit (Outpost) for the manner in which he overcame problems beyond his normal course of duties.
2. Doug Burman Trophy – West Rand
The Sergeant Major’s baton is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who was the most efficient District for the year in terms of reports, attendance at Province meetings and participation in discussions.
3. Mike Mortlock PRO Trophy – Botha
The Gold Miner is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who has done the most for the Order in terms of Public Relations work for the past year.
4. Pay Bills Trophy – West Rand
To a District / Unit (Outpost) for outstanding work in the field of financial reporting and financial controls.
5. John Jenkins Recruitment Trophy – Botha
Presented to the District Unit (Outpost) which shows the greatest percentage increase of new recruits per head for the year.
6. The Stuart Howie Trophy (Best Unit) – S E Transvaal
For a unit recognised by the Provincial Executive as being the best in the Platinum Province.
7. The Wickens / Olivier Recruitment Trophy – Botha
Presented by the Province to a Shellhole as recognition to that Shellhole for recruiting the most members during the year
8. Shrapnel Trophy – Turbi Hills
A light hearted attempt to motivate a District to improve their performance and be recognised as one of the better Districts in the Platinum Province. In other words, if you sit on the shrapnel you may be coaxed to get off your rear end and do something.
9. Bull Shit Tie – Moth Andre Churr
The tie is presented by the current holder to a Moth who regularly attends Provincial meetings and through his wit and or tall stories, (Bull Shit) keeps the meeting alive and vibrant.
Trophies being handed out by National Chairman Andy Boden on the 27 November 2021
Platinum AGM July 2020
This years AGM took place using Zoom due to lock down restrictions. The meeting was very well supported with 26 cameras connecting. Guest of Honour was Andy Boden, who sadly had to stand in for Old Bill of the Order Moth Dave Revell, who is unfortunately not well. Our thoughts and prayers are with Old Bill Dave Revell.
The Provincial Old Bill announced the recipients of the various awards and requested that all trophies be returned once we are able to meet again.
Dave Reeves Trophy – Moth Gerrie Oosthuizen
For outstanding work within his District / Unit (Outpost) for the manner in which he overcame problems beyond his normal course of duties.
Doug Burman Trophy -West Rand
The Sergeant Major’s baton is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who was the most efficient District for the year in terms of reports, attendance at Province meetings and participation in discussions.
Mike Mortlock PRO Trophy – Botha
The Gold Miner is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who has done the most for the Order in terms of Public Relations work for the past year.
Pay Bills Trophy – Coalfields
To a District / Unit (Outpost) for outstanding work in the field of financial reporting and financial controls.
John Jenkins Recruitment Trophy – Long Tom
Presented to the District Unit (Outpost) which shows the greatest percentage increase of new recruits per head for the year.
The Stuart Howie Trophy (Best Unit) – West Rand
For a unit recognised by the Provincial Executive as being the best in the Platinum Province.
The Wickens / Olivier Recruitment Trophy – Dickie Fritz
Presented by the Province to a Shellhole as recognition to that Shellhole for recruiting the most members during the year
Shrapnel Trophy – East Rand
A light hearted attempt to motivate a District to improve their performance and be recognised as one of the better Districts in the Platinum Province. In other words, if you sit on the shrapnel you may be coaxed to get off your rear end and do something.
Bull Shit Tie – Tinus Prinsloo
The tie is presented by the current holder to a Moth who regularly attends Provincial meetings and through his wit and or tall stories, (Bull Shit) keeps the meeting alive and vibrant.
Platinum AGM July 2019
The Platinum AGM Was hosted in true MOTH fashion by Botha Shellhole in Polokwane. It was a great honor to have the Old Bill of the Order, Old Bill Eddie Penzhorn as a our guest of honor. A very big thanks to him for his very interesting speech and perspective of the MOTH.
At the AGM the following awards were made by the Province Exco and presented by Old Bill of the Order and the Provincial Old Bill.
Presentation of Annual Awards
The Guest of Honour, Moth Eddie Penzhorn and the Provincial Old Bill, Moth Dave Berry assisted by the Provincial Sgt-Maj., Moth Richard Wilson presented the following awards:
- Dave Reeves Trophy – Moth Koos Kleinsmith
For outstanding work within his District / Unit (Outpost) for the manner in which he overcame problems beyond his normal course of duties. - Doug Burman Trophy – East Rand
The Sergeant Major’s baton is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who was the most efficient District for the year in terms of reports, attendance at Province meetings and participation in discussions. - Mike Mortlock PRO Trophy – Coalfields
The Gold Miner is presented to the District / Unit (Outpost) who has done the most for the Order in terms of Public Relations work for the past year. - Pay Bills Trophy – Minefield
To a District / Unit (Outpost) for outstanding work in the field of financial reporting and financial control - John Jenkins Recruitment Trophy – Coalfields
Presented to the District Unit (Outpost) which shows the greatest percentage increase of new recruits per head for the year. - The Stuart Howie Trophy (Best Unit) – Savannah
For a unit recognised by the Provincial Executive as being the best in the Platinum Province. - The Wickens / Olivier Recruitment Trophy – Long Tom
Presented by the Province to a Shellhole as recognition to that Shellhole for recruiting the most members during the year - Shrapnel Trophy – Turbi Hills
A light hearted attempt to motivate a District to improve their performance and be recognised as one of the better Districts in the Platinum Province. In other words, if you sit on the shrapnel you may be coaxed to get off your rear end and do something. - Bull Shit Tie – Moth Richard Wilson
The tie is presented by the current holder to a Moth who regularly attends Provincial meetings and through his wit and or tall stories, (Bull Shit) keeps the meeting alive and vibrant.
Hiring and Firing
The Old Executive is dismissed to the floor and the new Executive is sworn in.
After the AGM a 50 minute bus trip to Makhado Airforce Base to spend an enjoyable afternoon and get an update on the South African Airforce fighter planes. The afternoon ended with a sunset parade.
Some Photos for the Gallery
Platinum AGM August 2018
The Platinum Provincial Dugout was honored to have Old Bill of the Order James Stofberg attend and officiate at the AGM. The week end started off with with the Old Bills Dinner at Evenden House.
The Saturday morning,Vacant Chair Shellhole hosted the Old Bill of the Order to an excellent Breakfast. After the breakfast, the Mothwa very proudly boasted and showed the Old Bill of the Order the Pretoria Mothwa Frail Care at their Haven. Something indeed to be proud of. The delegates then all made their way to Pumulani Lodge where the AGM, Dinner and Province meeting would be hosted.
Agenda for the weekend of the 2018 Annual General Meeting | |
25 August 2018 | |
1. Buffet lunch on arrival | 12:30 for 13:00 |
2. Platinum Provincial Dugout AGM | 14:30 for 15:00 |
3. Sunset Parade | After the AGM |
4. Dinner | 18:30 for 19:00 |
26 August 2018 | |
1. Sound Memory Cottages (Transvaal) – AGM | 08:30 for 09:00 |
2. Platinum Provincial Dugout monthly meeting | After SMC (Transvaal) AGM |
3. Buffet lunch prior to departure | After the monthly meeting |
Sunset Parade after 2018 AGM
At the AGM Platinum had 3 Past Old Bills of the Order, and the Current Old Bill of the Order.

Mothwa at the 2018 AGM.
View Photos of the Dinner “Biker & Biker Chicks”
2017 AGM held at Magalies Park
2016 AGM held at Minefield Shellhole
Platinum Provinces Old Bills of the Order
(Includes Transvaal and Southern Transvaal)
Name | Year | Provincial Dugout | Convention at |
W. Mc Craw | 1954/1955 | Transvaal | Durban |
W.A. Beattie | 1960/1961 | Transvaal | Pietersburg |
H. Austin | 1967/1968 | Southern Transvaal | Mafeking |
A. Coutts | 1975/1976 | Transvaal | Windhoek |
M. Nathan | 1976/1977 | Southern Transvaal | Bulawayo |
J.H. Loots | 1983/1984 | Transvaal | Kimberley |
R.F. Bingham | 1987/1988 | Transvaal | Port Elizabeth |
R.H. Stuart | 1989/1990 | Southern Transvaal | Durban |
E.F. Simpson | 1990/1991 | Transvaal | Durban |
K.H.F. Harris | 1991/1992 | Southern Transvaal | Durban |
M.R. Mortlock | 1994/1995 | Transvaal | Durban |
P.E. Coltman | 1997/1998 | Southern Transvaal | Durban |
J.R. Jenkins | 1999/2000 | Transvaal | Durban |
S.G. Brown | 2003/2004 | Southern Transvaal | Durban |
D.C.D. Gush | 2005/2006 | Transvaal | Durban |
T. Brook | 2008/2009 | Platinum | Durban |
B.S. Michler | 2011/2012 | Platinum | Durban |
A Boden | 2016/2017 | Platinum | Durban |
R Wilson | 2023/2024 | Platinum | Durban |