Coalfields District Dugout


Coal Fields District Executive for 2023 – 2024

District OB Moth Dion Slabbert, DDOB Moth Mike Tammadge, Adj. Moth
L-R Dirk Volschenk and the Paybill Supporter Ann Lynn


Coalfields District Crater Shellhole Jiggerflea Shellhole Springbok Shellhole Bofors Shellhole Ratel Shellhole Gondar Shellhole Finale Shellhole
Charter Date 28 Sep.1960 Charter Date 3 Feb. 1928 Charter Date 17 Apr.1957 Charter Date May 1951 Charter Date 12-Dec-55 Charter Date 4 May 1980 Charter Date 19 Nov 1948 Charter Date 14 Dec 1956
CLOSED SEP 2002 CLOSED AUG 1996 CLOSED AUG 1989 Joined C/fields SEP 1993 CLOSED SEP 1997
1945 DJ Smillie Origanally formed 1939 1945
1946 A Soutar J Breytenbach 1946
1947 A Soutar CH Cheetham JJ O’Neil 1947
1948 J Thomson R Fitzpatrick JJ O’Neil 1948
1949 H Holmwood CA Jenson 1949
1950 G Northey GC Scheepers 1950
1951 AR Buchan CC Wecke RG Palm 1951
1952 E Mathews CC Wecke FW Cheek 1952
1953 EB Mouldenhauer CC Wecke FW Cheek 1953
1954 A Soutar CC Wecke FW Cheek 1954
1955 J Thomson D Dakers TT Tillard D Bamber 1955
1956 LE Watterton RESTARTED T Bullock TT Tillard ER Emslie 1956
1957 JJ Becker AM Ballenden A Hirst A Bigham H Krause 1957
1958 RN Neylan N Thornhill J Rose J Patrick H Krause 1958
1959 WH Pieters A Boote WR Bradley B Teversham ER Emslie 1959
1960 E.B.Moldehauer EB Mouldenhauer H van Rooyen WR Bradley TT Tillard ER Emslie 1960
1961 TT Tillard EB Mouldenhauer RA Smedy WR Bradley AL Long EA Wheeler 1961
1962 H Jackson RT Bradbury WR Bradley WJ Basson EA Wheeler 1962
1963 M Murray HV Crossley WL Ralston HG Robb EA Wheeler 1963
1964 M Mocke CJ Breytenbach WL Ralston BB Simpson EA Wheeler 1964
1965 E Matthews FH Schmitdt WL Ralston IP McNaught EA Wheeler 1965
1966 AW Wood E Matthews WH van Rensburg F Eybers CW Murray EA Wheeler 1966
1967 E Matthews E Malkin WR Bradley A Bigham EA Wheeler 1967
1968 EB Mouldenhauer E Malkin WL Ralston G Mundell EA Wheeler 1968
1969 EB Mouldenhauer J Bailie R Beere R Smith P Steenkamp 1969
1970 EB Mouldenhauer JVG Rowland R Beere AO Weigelt P Steenkamp 1970
1971 EB Mouldenhauer JVG Rowland A Wood J Truter P Steenkamp 1971
1972 EB Mouldenhauer L Carter WA Finch A Booyse P Steenkamp 1972
1973 EB Mouldenhauer L Carter WA Finch N Blore P Steenkamp 1973
1974 EB Mouldenhauer L Carter WR Bradley N Blore P Steenkamp 1974
1975 EB Mouldenhauer A Mance DD Hinds P Johnson P Steenkamp 1975
1976 J Denton CH Taylor DD Hinds B Teversham P Steenkamp 1976
1977 J Denton CH Taylor WR Bradley J Cavanach P Steenkamp 1977
1978 J Denton CH Taylor WR Bradley AO Weigelt P Steenkamp 1978
1979 R Moore A Siebert WR Bradley G Mundell P Steenkamp 1979
1980 A Siebert R Moore A Siebert DD Hinds G Mundell A Harmse P Steenkamp 1980
1981 VR Docking F Trivett RAC Woollett WA Finch BE Sparrow A Harmse J Victor 1981
1982 VR Docking F Trivett RAC Woollett N Harpur BE Sparrow NJ Moller J Victor 1982
1983 BE Sparrow R Moore A Siebert D Miul AWL Brereton AJ Prinsloo J Victor 1983
Coalfields District Crater Shellhole Jiggerflea Shellhole Springbok Shellhole Bofors Shellhole Ratel Shellhole Gondar Shellhole Finale Shellhole
1984 BE Sparrow R Moore A Siebert D Miul SC de Lange G van Zyl J Victor 1984
1985 FA Johnson F Trivett E Malkin J Sameul SC de Lange FR Brand J Victor 1985
1986 FA Johnson A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee SC de Lange FR Brand J Victor 1986
1987 J Sameuls A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee SC de Lange NJ Moller J Crouse 1987
1988 A Hilder A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee SC de Lange NJ Moller J Crouse 1988
1989 A Hilder A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee SC de Lange NJ Moller C v/d Merwe 1989
1990 SB Maritz A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee NJ Moller C v/d Merwe 1990
1991 SB Maritz A Hilder A Soutar F Coetzee CLOSED AL Rabie C v/d Merwe E.Tvl District 1991
1992 SB Maritz A Hilder A Soutar T Serfontein AUG 1989 AL Rabie J Victor closed down and 1992
1993 SB Maritz WN Lynn P Bray T Serfontein JJ van Rensburg J Victor joined Coalfields 1993
1994 SB Maritz WN Lynn B Maker T Serfontein JJ van Rensburg J Victor SEP 1994 1994
1995 WN Lynn A Hilder B Maker T Serfontein JJ van Rensburg J Victor R Bayford 1995
1996 WN Lynn F Pounder F Schaaf T Serfontein JJ van Rensburg SC de Lange R Bayford 1996
1997 S Doherty WN Lynn F Schaaf AL Rabie SC de Lange R Bayford 1997
1998 P Fletcher WN Lynn F Schaaf CLOSED AL Rabie J van Niekerk 1998
1999 P Fletcher WN Lynn F Schaaf AUG 1996 J Schmidt J van Niekerk CLOSED 1999
2000 A Siebert N Thompson F Schaaf J Schmidt J v N & P.Simm. SEP ’97 2000
2001 A Harmse N Thompson F Schaaf H Rothman JH Labuschagne 2001
2002 A Harmse N Thompson F Schaaf H Rothman JH Labuschagne 2002
2003 J Schmidt T Owen H Rothman JH Labuschagne 2003
2004 J Schmidt T Owen CLOSED L Scholtz JH Labuschagne 2004
2005 N Thompson L Bowker SEP 2002 MP Deyzel JH Labuschagne 2005
2006 N Thompson L Bowker MP Deyzel JH Labuschagne 2006
2007 L Bowker S Oelofse MP Deyzel JC Haarhoff 2007
2008 L Bowker S Oelofse J.van Zyl PJ Kleinsmith 2008
2009 L Bowker N Thompson Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2009
2010 L Bowker C.Sonnekus Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2010
2011 L Bowker C.Sonnekus Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2011
2012 L Bowker C.Sonnekus Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2012
2013 L Bowker C.Sonnekus Blacky Swart A.Myburgh 2013
2014 L Bowker S.Oelofse Blacky Swart A.Myburgh 2014
2015 L Bowker S.Oelofse Blacky Swart A.Myburgh 2015
2016 C.Sonnekus S.Oelofse Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2016
2017 L Bowker C.Sonnekus Blacky Swart PJ Kleinsmith 2017
2018 P.J. Kleinsmith C.Sonnekus D. Slabbert H. Welman 2018
2019 P.J. Kleinsmith C.Sonnekus D. Slabbert H. Welman 2019
2020 P.J. Kleinsmith C.Sonnekus D. Slabbert H. Welman 2020
2021 P.J. Kleinsmith D. Volschenk J. van der Walt M. Blom 2021
2022 P.J. Kleinsmith D. Volschenk J. van der Walt M. Blom 2022
2022 D. Slabbert C. Sonnekus B. Swart M. Tammadge 2023



The annual Moth Remembrance Day service took place at the Moth Cottages on Sunday 12 November. Moth from the three shellholes in the Coalfields District, Crater, Gondar (Middelburg) and Ratel were well represented at the parade. The proceedings started at 13:00 sharp when the district sergeant at arms Moth Dion Slabbert called the parade of Moths and Friends of the Moth to attention and they marched into the Moth Cottages to the strain of the Colonel Bogey March, the march adopted by the MOTHS. The Crater Shellhole Old Bill Moth Chris Sonnekus officiated at the Ceremony and welcomed everyone present the called on The Coalfields District Old Bill Moth Len Bowker to address the gathering. Moth Bowker also welcomed all the Moths and guests to this special event which is the premiere event on the MOTH calendar, explaining that the service is held every year at on the closest Saturday to the 11 November. The event commemorates the ending of the First World War at 11:00 on the 11th month in 1918 as well as those who gave up their lives during The 2nd World War, the Korean wars and those who were killed on our borders during the liberation struggle. Moth Bowker emphasised that “the observance of the 11 November of November is not a celebration of victory in combat. It is about showing respect for all those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so that we who are here can live in peace and freedom”. Once Moth Bowker concluded his address the formal proceedings got under way: * The National Flag and the MOTH Flags were raised by Friends of the MOTH Maryella Vermaak and Lorraine Hatch to the strains of Reveille; * Scripture reading and Prayer by the Deputy District Old Bill Moth Koos Kleinsmith; * The flags were lowered as the last post was sounded which was followed by a “Period of Silence” during which the Moths gave their ‘MOTH Salute’. * Once completed the flags were raised once again to the playing of Reveille; * This was followed by the laying wreaths at the Cenotaph by the MOTH Structures, on behalf of various Military Units, in memory of Military Veterans and Moths who have answered the Sunset Call together with members of the public. The formal proceedings concluded with Moth Koos Kleinsmith thanking the many people and organisations who assisted with the event especially the members of the public who contributed to the Poppy Day collection during which R17212.00 was raised. Refreshments were served and the Robert Carruthers School Choir entertained the guests to some choral singing.

Group photo of the Moths & Friends of the MOTHs in attendance


COALFIELDS DISTRICT HOSTS MOTH PROVINCIAL MEETING Moths from all the districts in the MOTH Platinum Province consisting of units in Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West Province and North Gauteng gathered in Witbank on Sunday  26 February 2017 for a meeting of the MOTH Provincial Executive. The proceedings started with a substantial breakfast hosted by the Coalfields District at the Sound Memory Cottages at 08:00 in order to sustain the delegates for the lengthy and constructive business that was to be discussed during the morning meeting. It was a great honour for the hosts to not only welcome the provincial delegates but also Moth Andy Boden who is the Old Bill of the Order for 2016/17. At the close of the proceedings the Provincial Old Bill Moth Dave Berry paid tribute to the Coalfields District for “setting a standard that will be very difficult to beat”. The meeting concurred in thanking Bettie Lindeque and staff for a job well done.

What a Breakfast?

  Some of “The Brass” Photo from left to right as follows: “ Moth Andy Boden Old Bill of the Order, Old Bill of Crater Shellhole Moth Chris Sonnekus; Moth Len Bowker (left) the MOTH District Old Bill and Moth Dave Berry Provincial Old Bill of the MOTH Platinum Province.”