Moths from all the districts in the MOTH Platinum Province consisting of units in Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West Province and North Gauteng gathered in Witbank on Sunday 26 February 2017 for a meeting of the MOTH Provincial Executive.
The proceedings started with a substantial breakfast hosted by the Coalfields District at the Sound Memory Cottages at 08:00 in order to sustain the delegates for the lengthy and constructive business that was to be discussed during the morning meeting.
It was a great honour for the hosts to not only welcome the provincial delegates but also Moth Andy Boden who is the Old Bill of the Order for 2016/17. At the close of the proceedings the Provincial Old Bill Moth Dave Berry paid tribute to the Coalfields District for “setting a standard that will be very difficult to beat”. The meeting concurred in thanking Bettie Lindeque and staff for a job well done.
What a Breakfast?
Some of “The Brass”
Photo from left to right as follows:
“ Moth Andy Boden Old Bill of the Order, Old Bill of Crater Shellhole Moth Chris Sonnekus; Moth Len Bowker (left) the MOTH District Old Bill and Moth Dave Berry Provincial Old Bill of the MOTH Platinum Province.”