Enjoy SA History?

Hi there from Simon-the-blockhouser,

Thought this was worth a mention for the MOTHs.

ABWBlockhouses has teamed up with Road Trip SA to list the vast majority of ABW Blockhouses on their App.

It’s an amazing App and the premier road tripping and adventure phone and desktop software for touring our amazing country. And it’s “cheap as chips” at around R65.00. Here are just some of the categories listed:

  • 1st Anglo-Boer War
  • 2nd Anglo-Boer War
  • Anglo-Zulu War 1879
  • Afrikaans Monuments
  • Parks and Museums
  • South African VC Awards
  • and many more……

I’ve enclosed a fact sheet, and the the website it here :  http://roadtriprsa.co.za

Also enclosed are the fact sheets and order for my Blockhouses books – as you showed an interest previously, I’ll offer further reduction for the bundle of both books down to R840.00 (Save R100!)

2022-07 ABW Blockhouse Books Order Form-840


Take care and,

Happy adventuring and touring

Simon Green
Cell : +27 (0)83 790 5478
129 Derby Road
Kensington 2094