GHQ 6 Form – Shellhole Supporter Application form
GHQ 6 Shellhole Supporter Application Form ver 20220708
This form is to be used when a Shellhole wishes to give a member of their Shellhole, Shellhole Supporter status. This is for persons that believe in the MOTH Ideals and want to be involved to ensure the Order continues. These supporters will be added to the nominal roll. This form is not for social members of the Shellhole
You can either print this PDF form and fill in or preferably save to your PC and edit the PDF form with you details.
It is important that the POPI disclaimer is filled in.
This form should be filled in once the Shellhole has decided to accept the member as a Shellhole Supporter. Form to be returned to the recruiting officer
Shellhole Supporter Attestation Certificate.
This certificate is to be given to all members who are installed into the MOTH as Shellhole Supporters. The attestation certificate is in an editable PDF format. Down load onto your PC, type in the name of the Supporter, the Unit name he belongs to eg Guy Fawkes Shellhole. Important to put the Word “Shellhole” after the name. Once complete save and print. It is suggest that this certificate is printed on to a good quality 120gsm sheet of paper.