Kwazulu Natal Provincial DugoutDistrict:
Northern Natal District DugoutThe Executive for 2018 2019 Moth Year.
On sunday 20.02.2022 Moth Piet Meyer and his wife Alta visited the Westcoast Quartel Shellhole and handed them a Platberg Shellhole Pendant established a open door for them to visit Platberg.
On Monday 21.02.2022 , the MOTHs went to visit a fellow moth Dup Horn whom due to health reasons can not visit the shellhole – Dup received his fellow brothers with open arms , they had a splendid time and was treated to some awesome snacks by Dup’s wife Elize.
On Saturday 19.02.2022 Moth Andries de Clerk from Platberg Shellhole, Harrismith, attended a memorial service for a fellow soldier from 32bn – once a moth always a moth – on arrival at Coalbox Shellhole, he found the bar to be very busy and only one barman on duty – he jumped in as a Moth and assisted in the pub to help handle the rush of funeral goers that needed a drink after a long morning and for the wake that took place at the Coal-box.
0n Wednesday 16.02.2022 a few of us went to visit a fellow Moth that due to health reasons can no longer come to Shell Hole on regular basis . The room was filled with memories and laughter
It is awesome to be a Moth.
On 15.02.2022 @ 19h00 the Platberg shellhole bowls squad took on the Supa Quick team in the local Harrismith yearly bussiness league bowls. In the beginning due to a light rain the green was slow and unpredictable, bowling was difficult. Some balls were rolled way to short and some balls landed in the ditch. Then the guys got control of the environment , the dew and rain could not stop them from a awesome victory over Supa Quick
27 July 2019 : Platberg on Parade at Mills Bomb Shellole
Old Bill Corne Marais , ADJ Andries de Clerk , Moth Schabort Bronn and Moth Herbert Barendse represented Platberg at the Mills Bomb Parade
Kameradie 16.04.2019
Old Bill Hein de Lange van Platberg Shellhole het oppad Bloemfontein toe besoek afgele by Piet Venter, oud Harrismither en lid van die Moth. Dit is hoe belangrik kameradie in die Moth is.
Ons vergeet nie on makkers nie
Platbergs 91st Moth Walk
On Saturday 13.04.2019 the Platberg Shellhole had their annual walk Of The Moth’s , we want to thank one and all for participating in this event
Read about Moth Andre Jackson of Platberg Shellhole , a proud an passionate Moth
Moth Swanie Swanepoel o Platberg Shellhole is very proud of his collection of military memorabilia. Click on the link below to see an article where he proudly shares ,
Moth Swanie Swanepoel military memorabilia
Platrand Parade
PLATBERG SHELLHOLE herewith invite all to attend the Platrand Parade on 06.01.2019 @ 09h00 on the dot – we get together at Platrand @ 08h30 .
Please accept the invite and come and join us for the day.
Battle of Wagon Hill (or Platrand)
The Boers around Ladysmith were also growing weak from lack of forage. With little action, many fighters took unauthorised leave or brought their families into the siege encampments. Eventually, with the Tugela in flood, preventing Buller from giving any support, some younger leaders persuaded Joubert to order a storming attempt on the night of 5 January 1900, before another relief attempt could be made.
The British line south of Ladysmith ran along a ridge known as the Platrand. The occupying British troops had named its features Wagon Hill to the west and to the east Caesar’s Camp (after features near Aldershot, well known to much of the British army).] Under Ian Hamilton, they had constructed a line of forts, sangars and entrenchments on the reverse slope of the Platrand, of which the Boers were unaware.
In the early hours of 6 January, Boer storming parties under General C.J. de Villiers began climbing Wagon Hill and Caesar’s Camp. They were spotted and engaged by British working parties who were emplacing some guns. The Boers captured the edge of both features, but could not advance further. British counter-attacks also failed.
At noon, de Villiers made another attack on Wagon Hill. Some exhausted defenders panicked and fled, but Hamilton led reserves to the spot and recaptured some empty gun pits. Late in the afternoon, a terrific rainstorm broke, and the Boers withdrew under cover of it.
The British suffered 175 killed and 249 wounded. 52 dead Boers were left in the British positions, but their total casualties were not recorded
17 December 2018 – Eliza Liddle Old Age Home
On 17.12.2018 the Platberg Shellhole MOTH’s of Harrismith had the annual spoil day at the old age home [ Eliza Liddle] where they gave the elderly snacks and tea , this is a tradition in Harismith for many years and will be for many years to come , the MOTH’s have two dates a year where they spoil the elderly , in December snacks and tea and in June boerewors braai with salads etc.
This year Zander Strachan also read the elderly some poems from their school days and they surely appreciated this .
Platberg Shellhole is trots om die gemeenskap mee ted eel dat in ons midde n skrywer van formaat is , Zander Strachan het weereens n unieke boek op die rak geplaas waar hy instruksie van die generals ontvang het om die boek “Recce , die nag behoort aan ons “ geskryf het Die boek kom ook in engels op die rak “ Recce , the night belong to us “ . Ons gelukwense aan Zander met die boek wat ware feite bevat en glad nie van toepassing is op die fliek “Recce”nie .
MMA Pop in for Breakfast at Platberg 24 September
The MMA Celebrate 10th Birthday. After a hectic weekend in Colesberg, they pop in for breakfast at Platberg Shellhole, on their way home.
Platberg helps raise money for Funeral of 14 year old Boy
Mutual help : a 14 year old boy was shot and killed in a robbery in Harrismith , the MOTH’s assisted in helping in the fundraiser for the child’s funeral
8 September 2018
How do I start of , the potjie day normally a day everybody look’s forward to , turned out to be a fabulous get to know your fellow MOTH and family day , the team that actually entered the day , made a fabulous venison potjie , pot bread and even a outstanding pudding on the fire . It was a day of laughing , and crying as the Springbok supporters once again experienced that the bounce of the ball is not in their favour.
We all got together on Sunday again and enjoyed a awesome morning and lunch as true comrades do. For those whom did not join us EISH you missed out on a experience you should have been part of.
Yap – 31 August 2018
We had the privilege to host the YAP { Young Ambassodors programme } , on Friday 31.08.2018 a rather inquisitive group of youngsters from all over the world was entertained by the ROUND TABLE with the help of Platberg Harrismith Shellhole , the atmosphere was that of excitement to see all the historical photos etc. Then on 03.09.2018 we had the privilege to host the 41’ers from all over the world , which in there age group could enjoy the Shellhole even more as they could relate to what the shellhole had to offer. The springbok potjie provided by the Round Tablers for their quests was exceptional and enjoyed by all. It was a experience for both MOTH’s and Round Table to host such wonderful people. Banners was exchanged and each group leader went home with a token of remembrance of their visit , Old Bill Hein de Lange and Paybill Corne Marais and Andre de Villiers {round table } , Prop de Beer {round table} thank you for arranging this opportunity to host and work together as one family to have made this an event to remember.
For interest sake , the visitors came from , Australia, New Zealand, India , Norway , Germany , Switzerland , The Netherlands and Greece.
22 Vrouens het die ysige weer op 9 Augustus trotseer om die MOTHS-Vrouedag by te woon.
Hulle is verwelkom met ‘n glasie sherrie en ‘n warm saal. Die warm hartlikheid het net beter geword toe Zander Strachan begin het met sy praatjie waarin hy gedigte van besonderse vrouedigters voorgelees het. Dit was ‘n heerlike ervaring omdat die gehoor heeltyd betrokke was by sy aanbieding. Sy fokus was om op vroue se uitsonderlike prestasies binne die Afrikaanse letterkunde te konsentreer.
Zander het sy aanbieding begin met Ingrid Jonker en dit het die mense onmiddellik meegevoer. Daarna het hy Antjie Krog behandel en ook verskeie staaltjies uit die verlede opgehaal. Hy het ook Louis Esterhuise (voorheen van Bethlehem) se gedig oor die vrou langs die pad vergelyk met ‘n soortgelyke (maar tog anders) gedig. Die digters Elizabeth Eybers, Joan Hambidge, Daniel Hugo en Annesu de Vos het ook vermeldings gekry.
Zander het terselfdertyd na jonger Afrikaanse digters verwys. Sy vertellings oor persoonlike kontak met die digters het die hele praatjie gebind en die vroue se belangstelling geprikkel. Selfs die Moths (wat agter die vroue gesit het) en as gashere opgetree het, was vasgevang deur die aanbieding en veral “die stories agter die stories” wat die hele lesing in konteks geplaas het.
Na afloop van die voorlesing is die vroue bederf met heerlike eetgoedjies voorsien deur die MOTH-mans.
Volgende jaar sal die dag weer aangebied word, maar die keer met ‘n verrassende variasie.
Tot dan
Old Bill Groete.
Om n MOTH te wees , beteken ons vergeet nie ons makkers nie , hier besoek Hein de Lange vir Piet Venter , Piet Venter wat lank n inwoner van Harrismith was , betrokke by Atletiek klub en MOTHS vir jare n ou bekende by baie Harrismithers is tans woonsaam in Verkeerdevlei . Hy is nie vergete nie al het hy verhuis , MOTH wees is meer as net vriend wees dus ware kameraadskap.