Eastern Cape Provincial DugoutDistrict:
East London District DugoutEXCUTIVE FOR 2024 – 2025

Gonubie Shellhole on Sunday 13 October 2024.
A party of raiders from Buffalo-Dixie descended on Gonubie Shellhole on Sunday 13 October 2024. Led by Old Bill Peter Knickelbein and ably assisted by Paybill Patrick Stephenson, et al, they proceeded to wreck havock in the Shellhole. Gonubie Adj. Brent Davis was the pick of the day. He had inadvertently, “on purpose”, informed the whole shellhole that B-D was raiding them. Not the proper MOTH thing to do. The raiders apprehended him, tied him up with ducktape, stole his spectacles and proceeded to “disarm” him, by removing his shirt sleeves………His poor defense was that the Gonubie Paybill has told him to do that. Not true. For that the Gonubie Paybill was apprehended and quietened with ducktape. B-D was not sympathetic to him at all. And then the innocent Gonubie Old Bill was also called up to be meted out with the same treatment. Luckily the OB avoided such treatment by claiming he had important matters to inform the Shellhole … then received the same treatment anyway.After all these shenanigans, everyone was fined handsomely and everyone retired to the braai area where a fire was going and great fellowship was held by all.
Thanks to Buffalo-Dixie for their reciprocating Gonubie Shellhole raid.

Change on Top Table – 15 September 2024
At the Gonubie Shellhole meeting on Sunday 15 September 2024, Wee Bill Walter Beck stepped down. MOTH Wayne McKay was voted in as new Wee Bill and inducted into office
Induction of new Executive.
At the Gonubie Shellhole meeting of Sunday 14 July 2024, ELDD Old Bill Wayne McKay inducted the incoming executive.
Golf Day to end the year off.
Gonubie Shellhole ended 2023 in style at Gonubie Golf Club. While golf may not be everyone’s cup of tee, blokes and gals ironed out the dimples, as wood be expected of old soldiers and the unsung heroines who support them.
Festivities concluded with enjoyment of the club’s always excellent catering.
Gonubie Raids Buffalo-Dixie – 10 Oct 2023
The orderly Buffalo-Dixie meeting on 10 October was, with due forethought and premeditation, hijacked by Gonubie Raiders.
As the raiders included Gonubie Top Table, half East London District executive and two ex District Old Bills, it was clear that heavy artillery was the order of the day. The Shellhole sheltered from the salvo by remaining seated.
Buffalo-Dixie executive was arraigned before a drumhead court martial. Charge: That the meeting was being held without a charter (GSO 2.1.1).
The B-D OB gallantly sprang to the defence of his Shellhole and, acting on his own initiative, moved to the wall where the charter is displayed.
In an unexpected twist, the Buffalo-Dixie charter had been replaced with the Gonubie charter. The raiders expressed amazement at this aggravation of the crime, but decided against adding to the charge sheet.
The accused were found guilty and sentenced to remaining on the executive for the next 2 years.
Their nefarious purpose accomplished, the raiders successfully exfiltrated to the bar.
Farewell to a Legend – 4th October
On the 4th of October 2023 we said our last farewells to a legend. There was a big MOTH contingent, and even though I am a MOTH myself, I chose to represent SADFA, as Butler was a honorary member of the association.
Elize Rodgers.
Video Clip of the Funeral Farewell to Moth Butler
Tin Collection 16 September 2023
Gonubies annual tin collection for MESCA and it was a huge success with lots of laughter and healthy banter
SAMVO’s Bush Hat Day competition
MOTH Butler van de Vyver was entered into SAMVO’s Bush Hat Day competition by Rag Bill MOTH Elize Rogers, “I’m not sure if my photographic skills won him the 3rd prize, or his good looks”.

20 August 2023
At the Gonubie Shellhole meeting of Sunday 20 August 2023, Gonubie OB Robin Fourie presented Moth Butler van de Vyver with a trophy made by Hexagon Shellhole. Gonubie raided Hexagon May 2022 and Hexagon returned the favour in November 2022. Butler turns 103 this year.

Moth Errol Frohbus was inducted at the meeting of Gonubie Shellhole on Sunday 20 August 2023. Old Bill Robin Fourie officiated
Sunday 9 July 2023
Installation of the Gonubie Executive by Henry Sutherland
21 May 2023.
MOTH Geoff Liddle was inducted at the meeting on Sunday 21 May 2023.
The meeting was followed by the customary braai that invites spouses and visitors into the camaraderie of MOTH.
Friday 26 May 2023 is the Golden Wedding anniversary of Geoff and Carolyn Liddle. Now that is TC MH SM!
Birthday Boys February 2023
This last Sunday, 12th February was Gonubie Moths monthly meeting. For the occasion Viv Bezuidenhout collected Old Dalian Butler van der Vyver (left in pic) who turns 102 years old on the 26 February and his next door neighbour Viv Schroeder who celebrates 92 years old, on Wednesday the 15 February.
These Moths were collected from Butler’s house in Gonubie in a 1948 Limo that was used for the past State Presidents.
On arrival at the MOTH meeting the Moths formed an arch and guard of honour for these legends to walk through.
After the meeting Mr. Bezuidenhout drove them home again .
So very kind and thoughtful to spoil these two senior birthday boys in this very special way!

Gonubie Shellhole treated MOTH Ray Heuer to a surprise 80th birthday braai at their September meeting
Monthly Meeting – 11 September 2022
At the Gonubie monthly meeting on 11 September 2022, the blokes recognized two stalwarts of the Shellhole. Mesdames Anna-marie McKay and Melody Call. For selfless and superb contributions to the blokes and the Shellhole premises for the past few years.
Meeting – 14th of August
MOTH Chris Maroulis was installed as S/Major of Gonubie Shellhole on Sunday 14 August 2022. Old Bill Wayne McKay officiated
Monthly Darts 27 July
On 27 July 2022, Gonubie Shellhole held their monthly Darts Evening. Great fun, delicious eats and sparkling company, with Gonubie determinedly remaining District Champions.
Inductions 10 July
At the Gonubie Shellhole meeting on Sunday 10 July 2022 Paul Pierskalla and Elize Rogers were inducted into the Order.
East London DOB Brent Davis inducted the incoming executive:
Old Bill Wayne McKay; Wee Bill Dennis Call; Adjutant Robin Fourie and Pay Bill Ray Glover.
Gonubie Shellhole Turns 60.
On Friday 8 October 2021 Gonubie Shellhole had 100% attendance as the Blokes (and Gals) celebrated the 60th anniversary of Gonubie’s charter.
Congratulations on a magnificent achievement

Moth Butler van de Vyver turns 100
Congratulations to Moth Butler – 100 year old, member of Gonubie Shellhole.
Congratulation from MOTH GHQ – National Chairman – click to view
The Celebrations
MOTH, Legionnaires and members of Amatola Commando met on Saturday 27 February 2021 to celebrate the centenary of World War 2 veteran, MOTH and former RSM Amatola Commando, Butler van de Vyver (born 26/02/1921).
A guard of honour was formed and Happy birthday was piped by members of East London Caledonian Society Pipe Band. East London District Old Bill, Ray Glover, congratulated Butler on reaching this milestone and Gonubie Shellhole Old Bill, Dennis Call, presented a commemorative tin hat.
Lt-Col Malcolm Cock presented Butler with the Day’s Orders and requested all present to sign.
At 1100 a helicopter hovered just above ground level in salute, ascended in tribute to those called to higher service, and descended in farewell before flying away.
The formalities concluded with the piping of the national anthem.