GHQ Outpost ShellholesThe MOTH Cyber Shellhole was formed in April 2010, specifically for qualifying members who are living abroad or in remote areas of South Africa, where there is no nearby Shellhole.
Qualification for membership is listed under Annexure B of the MOTH Constitution and General Standing Orders. Membership (Capitation) fees are payable annually in advance and are payable in July of each year.
New members will be charged pro-rata for the first year of membership, based on the quarter in which they join.
There is also an initial joining fee applicable to all Cyber Shellhole members to cover the cost of postage and packaging for the membership package. This is currently set at R200 (ZAR 200.00) and the package includes:
- Membership Badge – The registered membership badge is a miniature bronze Tin Hat, embossed with the letters MOTH.
- MOTH Blazer Badge
- MOTH Constitution and General Standing Orders – Electronic Format
- MOTH Attestation Certificate – This certificate is issued to all new members who are inducted into the Order
- MOTH Membership Card – This card is issued annually on receipt of annual membership fees.
Regular Cyber News bulletins will be posted on the MOTH Cyber shellhole web site ( where new members will be welcomed, together with any other interesting news items, photos or discussion articles. Members are encouraged to communicate with fellow Cyber members as well as with any other members of the Order. We have also started a Cyber Shellhole Group on Facebook where members can chat and post items of interest.
Recent news is the forming of R1 Shellhole in Ireland at St Canice Cathedral. Members that have joined have now transferred from Cyber Shellhole to R1.
Should you be interested in joining the MOTH and feel that you satisfy the qualification criteria, please Moth Alwyn or Moth Marius. Details below
Moth Alwyn Harding : or
Moth Marius Geldenhuys:
Moth Marius (“Bone”) Geldenhuys (Left, in shirt-sleeves) has volunteered to replace Moth Brian Porter as a co-administrator of Cyber Shellhole with effect 20th August 2022 and, together with Moth Alwyn Harding and the latter’s experience to date in regard to the management of this virtual Shellhole, Cyber and its membership are sure to reap great benefit and growth.